LegalTech Soapbox: Xakia.

Our LegalTech Soapbox series is where we put the spotlight on #LegalTech vendors that are benefiting the legal fraternity and the broader network with their game-changing Legal Technology. 

Under the spotlight in episode 3 in Xakia, an Australian-founded legal matter management software. Let's get into the Q&A! 

1. Tell us the story behind Xakia.

From lawyer to financial analyst, then law firm innovator, I never imagined that I would be running a LegalTech company! Of all the crazy ideas that strike me in the middle of the night, I have loved the vision-to-delivery journey of Xakia the most, working with a brilliant team to have created a platform that empowers in-house legal teams of ALL sizes to run the most efficient and effective legal function possible.

I founded Xakia Technologies in 2016 in response to a widespread research project targeted at understanding the daily demands on in-house legal team management. A comprehensive list of in-house needs led to the building of Xakia which collates information for in-house legal teams into a central "hub" - some might call it 'enterprise legal management' but we think that sounds more complicated than it needs to be!

2. What are the services / products that Xakia provides?

Legal Departments – dealing with an avalanche of work – need visibility over who is working on what, when and for whom. Xakia removes the guesswork. It’s an intuitive, quick-to-deploy matter management platform that centralizes information into a single source of truth, streamlines legal intake, and tracks costs and budgets and automated dashboards and reports.

Xakia is an all-in-one platform with an open API architecture, and out-of-the-box integrations with other critical software in a legal department's LegalTech ecosystem such as email, contract management, document management, e-billing and workflow tools.

3. How does Xakia help optimise the daily operations of an in-house legal team?

For Legal Teams, Xakia removes the pain of spreadsheets to manage workload and deadlines, centralizing information into a single interface and facilitates collaboration with internal and business clients.

Xakia provides in-house legal teams with an internal client portal that acts as a ‘front door’ for internal and business clients, to submit legal requests, track and collaborate on requests through to completion and access frequently asked questions or self-service resources. The result: faster and better outcomes for all stakeholders.

Powerful analytics and interactive dashboards and reports ensure Legal Departments are making intelligent, informed and data-driven decisions, removing the need for spreadsheets or manually generated Board or Executive reports.

Xakia is the only multi-lingual platform in the market configurable in English, Japanese, Spanish, French, Danish, Dutch, and Portuguese (Brazil). For global companies with multiple languages and users, the platform can be configured to offer more than one language so that all your internal and business clients, and legal team members can operate in their language of choice.  

4. What do you believe will be the most significant change in how in-house legal teams use technology in the next 10 years?

The democratisation of LegalTech, leading to mass adoption across the entire legal ecosystem.

The pandemic of 2020 took the world’s Legal Departments remote – driving the need for technology that keeps teams nimble and connected, and now legal teams need to prepare for automation everywhere. Enterprise legal management systems (ELM) need not be costly and complex to deploy. Functionally rich, cloud-based platforms will remove adoption barriers making the same legal technology accessible to everyone, with ease of scalability, usability and affordability.

Adoption and implementation costs > Historically, implementing new tech required a big budget (consulting, hosting, bespoke builds, ongoing development & maintenance etc.). With cloud deployments, implementation costs go from thousands or millions of dollars to negligible amounts and in many cases $0 if implementation is automated, making the same technology available to even the smallest team of one.

Software will be simplistic by design > Intuitive UX for easier and quicker user adoption. 

Multi-lingual platforms are removing language barriers > Available in many languages and available in more than one language in the one platform.

Geographically dispersed and remote teams > Everyone can access and use the software anytime, anywhere.

Learn more about Xakia.
