Legal Consultant Profile: 'The Flexible Comedian' Pooja Shukla.

1. Can you tell us a bit about yourself? 

I am a writer, stage performer, solo traveller and a stand- up comedian. I have been lucky to be in a city like Hong Kong that provides umpteen opportunities to follow my passion along with a career that offers me international exposure.


2. What path led you to be attracted to the legal consulting path and the flexible work model?

Having worked for more than a decade in Corporate Governance in various industries, I have experienced that it is difficult to follow passion and career simultaneously. But, this model bridges that gap and assures that you would never have to compromise. Also, with variety of clients you get to work with, I can tell, professionally, there is never a dull day!


3. How has your experience outside law helped your legal skills as a consultant? - What have you found is the "value add" or "special skills" that you bring to a client as a legal consultant?

The never ending hunger to learn! I worked in mining, IT, manufacturing, banking, consultancy and telecom. Lessons from my tenure in banks were applied in solving problems while working for a telecom client. The research I did in the mining industry came handy while working for an IT company.


4. Was it challenging transitioning from BigLaw to NewLaw? How did you overcome the challenge? 

It was challenging because it was new. However, after switching on to this model, I feel it was a good decision as it provides me an opportunity to look at things from a different perspective and remain flexible. 


5. Do you have any tips for consultants looking into joining the flexible workforce? Any Dos and Don’ts? (Productivity tips?)

If you are looking to gain exposure in different sectors and do not mind experimenting and expanding your horizon, flexible workforce is for you. Since flexibility is not for everyone, you need to consider which level you are at in your professional life.
