Legal Consultant Profile: “The Flexible Transformation”.

Legal Consultant Profile: “The Flexible Transformation”
  1. Can you tell us about what you have been up to since we last spoke last year?

I have been working on a few projects with William Novomisle (KorumLegal's Process + Technology Managing Consultant). We have been working with the Singapore Academy of Law’s Future Legal Innovation Programme (FLIP) Business Process Re-Engineering Lighten-Up initiative helping clients streamline workflows and get tech into their processes where relevant. We are also doing tech and process audits for in-house counsel.

  1. What have you learnt from your recent assignments in 2019?

I have learnt a lot from the recent assignments. It has been great working with both law firms and legal institutions. It has been insightful to observe that there are myriad ways that people approach their work. There is not much standardisation of how work is processed in the area of law and its lawyers; much of it being dependent on the individual and the bespoke way they go about doing their work. 

This is really understandable, given the historical significance of how the legal world has developed, unlike the corporate worlds of manufacturing or logistics. So, it is now very interesting times when the world of legal needs to move towards an innovation and digital journey that requires process and systems analysis, in tandem with many of their clients.

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  1. How do you deal with challenging situations in a new workplace as a legal consultant?

I try to listen as much as possible, to as many sources as I can, in the new work space; in order to pre-empt challenging situations whereby people feel they are being tasked to get onboard with a new situation that maybe they are not comfortable with yet or ready to do so that quickly.

  1. With the added flexibility of working in the ‘Gig Economy’, what have you been able to achieve outside of your legal consulting career?

I have been able to give my interests of charity involvement and fund raising much more time and attention. I recently completed my third 50 km charity walk under the organisation of Let’s Take A Walk (that I am involved in), that raised funds for the Rare Disorders Society of Singapore (RDSS) for 2019. I needed the time, to be involved with both the organising of it as well as for training for it. 

  1. Do you have any tips for consultants looking into joining the flexible workforce? Any Dos and Don’ts?

Do give the flexi workspace a chance. I know many who are still not totally convinced of the merits of it or are scared to leave the security of a full-time job. But I think the situation is quite different from say 8 years ago, and the “Gig Economy” is currently evolving into something more sophisticated than just being a freelancer.

Don’t be tied to a job or career that is going to make you feel like you are missing out on life.

To find out more about Gillian and why she decided to join the NewLaw working model, read her previous 2018 Consultant Q&A on our blog here
