Swiss private wealth and asset management bank


Customer had an extremely lean legal team who were dealing with complex M&A, counselling and business-as-usual document review without any technology tools beyond their email inbox. Customer wanted to implement technology to improve velocity and visibility, and to adapt and implement automated workflows within their processes.


To uncover and understand the bottleneck, we did a deep dive into the customer's internal processes. Based on that analysis, we formulated a list of technologies that would be the best fit for the customer's team. Our LegalTech consultants guided the customer through functionality and scope of the listed technologies. With our expert knowledge and the customer's needs in mind, we were able to filter through the list and select a technology that delivered optimal functionality at a price point that made sense for the size and scope of the use cases. We did all configuration and scoping work with the vendor and helped to facilitate the pricing discussions.  The final configuration has been delivered and is currently being built out and will shortly be ready for user acceptance training with the customer.

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