Till Lembke - Our Featured Consultant.

1. What made you leave the more ‘conventional’ legal practice to join the ‘Gig Economy’ as a Consultant?
The flexibility on offer was the key pull factor and allowed me to pursue my academic studies whilst also working on interesting projects and keeping my legal and business skills sharp. ‘Conventional’ legal practice would not have allowed me to entertain all the other projects, both academic and personal, that I had and have going on in my life.
2. How has your experience outside law helped your legal skills as a consultant? - What have you found is the "value add" or "special skills" that you bring to a client as a legal consultant?
My experience outside law has certainly refined my understanding of what businesses need and want from lawyers – precise, on the point advice with a thorough understanding of the practical challenges that come from trying to implement the law and regulatory frameworks. I found that my experience in both a large US law firm and then a small business ethic consultancy helps to give a client the right mix between legal and business advice.
3. Can you tell us more about the lows and highs of your career in Law so far?
Lows – the (at least felt) 700 days spent working past midnight cleaning up share purchase agreements and the toll this took on friends and family. Highs – the intellectual challenges and sense of achievement that come with figuring out complex transactions, as well as meeting wonderful clients and colleagues.
4. Are there any surprising or juicy anecdotes of your experience being a legal Consultant?
The joys of being a legal consultant is that the work is flexible, and you can often work from home or remotely. The dangers are that you (or at least I) may forget that when having teleconferences, some programs automatically turn on your camera while you sit with an open shirt in front of the computer, prepared for an audio-only conference…not my finest moment, but both the client and I took it in our stride (and the shirt was buttoned up immediately).
5. What would you say to lawyers in private practice or in-house who are considering a more flexible work style?
Set out a list of priorities of what you want in life – if the focus is more on having a set structure, high financial earnings and a clear career progression, maybe wait before leaving your current setting. If the focus is more on traveling whenever and wherever you want, spending time with family and friends, and being able to do your groceries and go to the beach on a Tuesday when no one else will be around, then go flexible.
6. Tell us two interesting truths and one white lie
I travelled the world for 6 months and, to make the money last, stayed at hostels for only a third of the time – the rest was with friends and people I had just met, as well as on beaches and at bus and train stations.
I spent an evening discussing the difficulties in acting the same play that has been translated by different people with Ian McKellen over glasses of red wine.
I ambushed the then president of the European Commission Romano Prodi at a press conference given at my school with difficult questions when I was 14. He didn’t answer my questions but invited me to join the EU advisory team on youth and education issues for his remaining term until 2004.
Last months white lie: Huong Tang - I’m adventurous and love to cycle. While Huong seeks to push herself and try new experiences, oftentimes she will protest passionately when outside her comfort zone. And, will only enjoy cycling when the conditions are just right, ie there’s a cycle path, not much traffic and enjoyable scenery!
Read our next newsletter to find out Till's one white lie.
Aug 23, 2018
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