Legal Consultant Profiles: 'The Agile Entrepreneur' Katy Low.

On our Legal Consultant Profiles this month is the lovely Katy Low who is also the Director of Vero Law based in London. We're in awe of her passion and dedication. She runs a one woman show and is a truly inspirational woman. Let's find out more about her: 

  1. Hey Katy! Please tell us a little about yourself and some of your interests? 

I live in and run my business (Vero Law) from South West London but I’m Scottish (originally from the Highlands) and I lived in the beautiful city of Edinburgh for 10 years before I moved to London.  I love being outdoors as much as possible – long walks, climbing hills and spending time on windswept beaches.  I also love travelling – my favourite places are Argentina, Mexico and Sri Lanka, and I spent 3 months living in Australia.  I’m excited for the time that travelling becomes as free and easy as it used to be again!

  1. What inspired you to start your own business? 

I’ve always wanted to run my own business and that combined with my passion for working with, supporting and helping start-ups and small business resulted in me taking the leap and starting Vero Law.  I love what I do, I’m very proud of what I’ve achieved and I’m very proud of my clients!

  1. How does the NewLaw/ALSP model fit you, your career and your lifestyle? 

The main and most fundamental aspect of the NewLaw model and working with KorumLegal is the flexibility that is offers to me in my career.  I get to work with an exciting variety of clients in a much more flexible way compared to some of the more traditional legal models.  It also provides flexibility to suit my lifestyle too.  I can set my own hours, ensuring more of a balance but still taking the time to focus on and accommodate the requirements of our clients. 

  1. You're running a small business in EMEA. What are some of the challenges you have faced? On the flip side, what and where are the opportunities?

The huge advantage of running a small business is the ability to be agile and nimble in supporting your clients.  I can move, adapt and flex my business to capture and offer tailored support and guidance for my clients to suit their needs.  The challenge is that you are the boss, the CEO, the marketing team, the client relationship manager, the finance officer, etc, etc – you are doing and managing every role and task within your business and then you still have make sure that you are doing a very good job for your clients! It’s challenging but no two days are the same which makes it very exciting!

  1. These days, customer centricity and empathy are buzzwords you hear a lot of. How important is it to really be focused on the customer experience in the legal solutions space? How can it add value the customers’ businesses?

I can’t emphasise enough how important the customer experience is – I pride myself in offering practical, affordable and flexible legal support for our clients.  The feedback that I receive is fantastic because Vero Law and KorumLegal are offering something different to traditional law firms by embracing those principles for every client.  Running a services business should always mean that providing excellent customer service and customer focus are your superpowers! Vero Law and KorumLegal are adding value by offering extremely experienced consultants but in a cost effective, flexible and dynamic way – which clients love!

